Tuesday 13 November 2012

Bieng Nice Hurts

Psychological studies suggest that people who are generally "too nice" are the ones to get hurt the most.
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Pennies are worth a lot

 If you were to be payed 500$ in pennies.You would actually have enough metal to be melted Down and sold for over 1000$.
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10,507 pushups

A japanese guy holds record for the most non stop pushups done.He has done 10,507 pushups non stop.
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50lbs of chocolate Minimum!!!!!!!!!

In Idaho a man cannot give his girlfriend a chocolate box weighing less than 50 Pounds
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Cows have best friends

Cows do have best friends and become stressed when they are seperated
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Spend money on experience!!!!!!!!!

Scientist suggest the key to happiness is spending money on experiences instead of the possessions.
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Thinking of someone?

Phsycological studies suggest that when you cant stop thinking of someone.It`s more likely that they are thinking about you as well
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kissing someone is more sanitary than shaking hands with them
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People who laugh more are better able to tolerate pain Both physical and emotional
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Baby Octopus

A Baby octopus can be as small as your fingertip
Here are some basic facts about octopuses: Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms, and like other cephalopods they are bilaterally symmetric. An octopus has a hard beak, with its mouth at the center point of the arms. Octopuses have no internal or external skeleton (although some species have a vestigial remnant of a shell inside their mantle), allowing them to squeeze through tight places. Octopuses are among the most intelligent and behaviorally flexible of all invertebrates
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Saturday 10 November 2012

Scientist are working on a substance to give everyone the ability to walk on walls and ceilling like "SPIDERMAN"

Gecko tape (with directional adhesion) is a new material still at the developmental stage. Directional adhesion refers to the ability of an adhesive material to grip a load in one direction and to release its grip when the direction is reversed.
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The first Digital Camera

Steven Sasson as an engineer at Eastman Kodak invented and built the first digital camera using a charge-coupled device image sensor in 1975..
It weight 3.6 kg and was the size of a toaster.
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The World`s only Enigmatologist

Will Shortz, the New York Times crossword puzzle editor, is the only person in the world to have a degree in enigmatology, the study of puzzle
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Gangnam style

Gangnam style holds world record for the most liked video in youtube history Korean Pop Superstar ‘PSY’ has already achieved quite a lot with his video for ‘Gangnam style’, and now he can add a Guinness World Record to that list.
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Coca Cola removes Bloodstains

Grease stains are famously difficult to remove from clothing and stain removers can be very expensive. Here is a cheap solution: empty a can of coke into your wash along with the usual detergent and run it through a normal cycle. This is also quite effective for removing blood and it helps to deodorize smelly clothes.
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The Bond Girl was born a man!!!!!!!!!

A Bond girl (from “For Your Eyes Only”) Caroline Cossey was born a man, Barry Cossey.
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Niels Bohr had beer on tap

In 1922 Niels Bohr received the Nobel prize for his work on sussing out the structure of atoms. For his outright brilliance he was given a house next door to the Carlsberg brewing company, and had a pipeline running from the brewery into the house so that he could have a never-ending supply of fresh beer on tap. Quite right too
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Britain only creates around 12,000 engineering graduates a year. India graduates 1.2 million engineers a year. China’s engineering graduates will grow from 2.6 million in 2010 to 3.6 million in 2015. Iran and the Philippines both produce more engineers than the UK. The problem is serious. Britain will simply be left behind.
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People Drink Quicker From Round Glass

A study published in PLoS ONE has found that people tend to drink 60% faster when they are drinking out of a round glass than when they drink out of a glass with straight edges.
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Okinava The healthiest place on earth

The Japanese island of Okinawa alone has about 457 of them. It is considered to be the healthiest place in the world, where the average life expectancy of an Okinawan woman is 86, and man’s is 78. Not only do they live long lives, they live very healthy and happy ones too. A fine example is 96-year-old martial artist Seikichi Uehara, who, at his age, defeated a thirty-something ex-boxing champion. And also Nabi Kinjo, the 105-year-old woman who hunted down a poisonous snake and killed it with a fly swatter.
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You Are Taller In The Morning

That’s because our bodies are on average about half an inch taller in the morning, thanks to excess fluid between our discs, which is replenished while we sleep. As the day goes on, and our bodies undergo the strain of standing, the discs get compressed and the fluid seeps out, so the body loses that small bit of extra height.
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Your stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world. It can pickle steel, but mucous lining the stomach wall keeps this poisonous liquid safely in the digestive system, breaking down your lunch but not your own stomach.
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GM Insects

A UK-based company, Oxitec is the maker of all genetically modified insects. The company’s goal is to create a global market, where GM insects will be released around the world in order to take over natural insect populations. With the replacement of natural insects, the company hopes to wipe out disease carried by insects as well as those insects feeding on farmers’ crops. As scary as it might sound, thousands of insect species could be genetically altered in the near future.
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Not only was Albert Einstein unfaithful to both of his wives, he married his cousin Elsa the same year he divorced his first wife. He also thought about marrying Elsa’s daughter instead of her.
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A study at the State University of New York at Albany says,semen has been found to have anti-depressant properties and contains selenium, a cancer fighting agent.
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Bed Time scenarios

83% People Start imagining and creating scenarios in their heads about things they`d like to happen before falling Asleep.
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Camera Vs Eye

The camera with highest megapixel ever is "36.3 MP".While the Quality of human eye is that of a "576 MP" Camera!
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People who understand sarcasm are often good at reading people`s minds.They Understand the Person has something Else in Mind!
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Crying releases stress hormones which is why you feel better after crying
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The Boobs of women who smoke tend to sag very Quickly because smoking destroys a protein called "Elastin" which gives Boobs the Elasticity.
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Starvation Vs Sleep

You Can survive without eating for weeks But you can only live 11 days without sleeping
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Video Games

People who regularly play video games are faster and better at making real life decisions.
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If twin males marry twin females and they both have a child Both the Children will look the exact same.
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Glaucus Atlanticus : Weird but Beautiful Creature

The Glaucus atlanticus is a planktonic animal that belongs to the oceanic group known as Nudibranches. This amazing-looking creature is a sea slug that floats freely on open seas feeding on jellyfish including the Portuguese Man o’ War
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Stress makes your blood ‘stickier’ in preparation for an injury.
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When on his deathbed Steve Jobs refused to wear an oxygen mask until he went through 5 different designs and finally found one that he liked
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Temperature affects appetite

Temperature affects the appetite  a person in a cold room is likely to eat more 
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Butter knife

a Butter Knife can split a bullet 
                as well as a samurai sword
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