Wednesday 17 July 2013

Presidential salary.

in 1909 the presidential salary was $75,000. Adjusting for inflation, that’s about $1.7 million, or more than four times the current presidential pay of $400,000.

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Earthquake in Alaska.

the 1964 earthquake in Alaska was so big that water sloshed in wells in Africa.

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Wanna join in???

there is a company that provides private flights for individuals who want to join the “mile high club". For $425.00 you get a 1 hour flight, chocolates, champagne, and a curtain.

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Mystery yacht.

In 2007, an unmanned yacht was discovered drifting off the coast of Australia. The engine was running, a laptop was running, the radio and GPS were working and a meal was set to eat, but the three-man crew were not on board.

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there is a tribe called the Sentinelese who live on a tiny island in the Indian Ocean. For thousands of years they have refused all contact with the outside world. Using only stones and arrows, they have successfully repelled Arabs, Persians, Indians, Europeans, and a f*cking helicopter.

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Thursday 11 July 2013

Armageddon suffers scientific inaccuracies.

NASA often shows the movie “Armageddon" as part of its management training program and asks its new staff to find as many scientific-inaccuracies as they can (there are at least 168).

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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Time stretches Backwards.

Whenever you move your eyes quickly from one point to another, your perception of time stretches slightly backwards. The brain attempts to compensate, which is why the first moment you look at a clock, it seems to take longer than a second for the second hand to move.

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Insomnia can be fatal.

Fatal familial insomnia (FFI) is a very rare autosomal dominant inherited prion disease of the brain. It is almost always caused by a mutation to the protein PrPC, but can also develop spontaneously in patients with a non-inherited mutation variant called sporadic Fatal Insomnia (sFI). FFI has no known cure and involves progressively worsening insomnia, which leads to hallucinations, delirium, and confusional states like that of dementia. The average survival span for patients diagnosed with FFI after the onset of symptoms is 18 months.

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Mayor cat.


There is a town in Alaska that has had a cat as mayor for 15 years.

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Poon lim vs wild

A man survived 133 days alone on raft at sea by fishing, drinking bird blood, and killing a shark with a jug of water.

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Your argument is invalid

Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper company for lacking creativity.

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The mirror and the duckling


A lonely duckling separated from its family at birth has been saved thanks to a mirror which has become its only friend.

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Lunatics do it that way

an Intern at NASA once stole a safe full of moon rocks, sprinkled them on a hotel bed, and had sx with his girlfriend on top of them.

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Dust Cloud

In 526 AD there was a world-wide dust cloud that blocked out the sun for a FULL YEAR, resulting in widespread famine and disease. >80% of Scandinavia and parts of China starved to death, 30% of Europe died in epidemics, and empires fell. No one knows the cause.

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Catwoman in a bad mood

Hallie Berry personally accepted her award for Worst Actress for her role in Catwoman. Her accepted speech included the line “First of all, I want to thank Warner Brothers. Thank you for putting me in a piece of shit, god-awful movie… It was just what my career needed."

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Metallica wrote the song “The God That Failed" because of Hetfield’s mother died due to Christian-science beliefs influencing her to reject cancer treatment

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Skittles and Jellybeans contain crushed insect cocoons which are used to coat the candies to give them that special shine.

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Water, Water everywhere

There is a body of water in space that is large enough to give every person on earth enough water to fill the planets oceans.

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Women and secrets.


the average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes

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Pretty boy


A bank robber named “Pretty Boy” Floyd was known for destroying mortgage papers on heists, freeing hundreds of people from property debt.

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Tuesday 11 June 2013

Alien Hand syndroime!!!

Alien Hand Syndrome or Dr Strangelove syndrome, is a condition that causes the hand to move on it’s own accord.
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According to his ex private chef, the late North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il ate hippos, spiders and snakes.
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Is your Pizza always late ?

There is a pizza place in Alaska that delivers by plane.
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Tiny Slaves eh?

Some ant species enslave other ants from different colonies and force them to there work. Sometimes, the ants held captured will rise in rebellion and murder there captors children.
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Mysterious metal objects

Tiny, spiral-shaped metal objects have been found in Russia that have been dated to be around 20,000 years old. Since humans are thought to have discovered metalworking only 6,000 years ago, no one can explain where these objects came from.
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Bob Marley Advice

"Money can't buy life" were the final words of Bob Marley to his son ziggy on his death bed
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Friday 8 March 2013

Mickey & Kermit

When jim henson Creator of the Muppets died in 1990, Disney released (the above) picture of Mickey mouse consoling Kermit the frog.
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The Two Most common fears

The two most common fears are Clowns and heights

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Don't overthink

Studies show that people who over-think tend to create problems from themselves that weren't there to begin with.

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Loneliness Kills

Studies show that people who feel lonely are more likely to take longer showers and longer baths.

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Don't Ignore someone

Being ignored causes the same chemical reactions in the brain as experiencing a physical injury.

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BMW had to recall their original GPS systems because male German drivers were refusing to take directions from female Voice.
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Humans have stripes

Each one of us has stripes on the body called "Blaschko's lines " . These are only visible under UV light.

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Atelophobia is the fear of Not being good enough or having imperfections

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The Dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

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About 10,000,000 People have the same birthday as you.
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Habit Fact

It takes 21 days to form a habit.
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Weird Japan

Sleeping at work is acceptable in Japan.It is viewed as exhaustion from working hard. Some people fake it to look committed to work.

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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Ladies First

Male puppies purposely let female puppies win while playing.
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Cloning could be real !!!!

Some scientists suggest that if space really is infinite,Then there is an exact copy of you somewhere in the Universe.
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Like -A- Hug jacket

There's an interned-enabled jacket that gives you a hug every time a friend likes your status on Facebook
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Donate Blood!!!

After needing 13 liters of blood for a surgery at the age of 13,A man named james harrison pledged to donate blood once he turned 18.It was discovered that his blood contained a rare antigen that cured Rhesus Disease. He has donated blood a record 1000 times and saved 2,000,000 lives.
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The Russian army didn't have socks for 300 years,Instead they used foot wraps But they are going to introduce socks in 2013
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Total species on earth

According to a new study appearing in the journal biology,the number of species on earth is estimated to be 8.7 million. Give or take 1.3 million, with approximately 80% of species remaining to be discovered. 
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Deciding what to wear.

The average woman will spend One full year of her lifetime trying to decide what to wear.
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